How to Interpret the Bible

The Composition of the Bible

What is the Canon? How is the Bible put together? What is doctrine and how is it established? Does scripture contradict iteself? Why is context so important?

Methods of Interpretation

What should be our intention when we read the Bible? What is biblical hermeneutics, how is it applied to Scripture and how is it different from Exegesis? If there is a correct way to interpret the Scriptures, does this mean that there is only one correct meaning for each passage

Progressive Revelation

Nearly all students of the Bible recognize the fact that certain truths contained in Scripture were not fully revealed by God to prior generations. What truths? Why would God choose to do that? Where do we fit into the revelation of Scripture?

Typology & Symbols of the Bible

What is Typology? What is considered a ‘symbol’ in the Bible? What types of symbols are there and how do we define them?

Understanding Prophecy

What is Prophecy? How is it understood? How do we decipher or measure a true prophecy?

Will There Be a Future Tribulation?

In this week’s study we will look at Daniel chapter 9 and using the methods of interpretation we have been learning, we will examine the text in search of clues that point us to a Bible based, true-to-scripture, eschatological view.


Interpreting Second Coming Parables

What did Jesus say about His return? What will it be like? When will it happen? Will there be specific signs that point to his imminent return?

Interpreting the Olivet Discourse

The Olivet Discourse is the name given to the orderly and extended teaching given by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives. His subject is the end times. This discourse is recorded in Matthew 24:1 – 25:46. Parallel passages are found in Mark 13:1-37 and Luke 21:5-36.”